How to treat hip arthrosis

It is impossible to imagine an active and healthy lifestyle without exercise. Joints are the most important elements of the musculoskeletal system that allow a person to move freely and feel comfortable. As we age, dystrophic changes occur in the bone and cartilage tissues, with painful sensations that indicate the development of the disease.

The hip joint can withstand enormous loads throughout life, so it’s no surprise that the most common pathology of ODA is hip arthrosis-arthritis. In this article, you can learn what it is and the causes, consequences, and methods of treating coxarthrosis.

Characteristics and causes of occurrence

Coxarthrosis is a chronic inflammatory process in the hip joint in which cartilage tissue undergoes early destruction.

causes of arthrosis of the hip joint

The development of the disease provokes the growth of osteophytes and the fusion of the acetabulum and femoral head, which narrows the joint space, the joint loses its functionality.

Clarify that coxarthrosis is the same as pelvic arthrosis and deforming osteoarthritis.

The disease may present as a primary pathology or underlie existing diseases.

Let's examine the main causes of coxarthrosis:

  • during active or excessive physical exertion (trauma, microtrauma, overload);
  • congenital disorders (dysplasia, Perthes' disease, primary joint deformity);
  • pelvic osteoarthritis (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis);
  • severe stress (spasm of blood vessels and muscles, aseptic necrosis, hypothermia);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (obesity, diabetes mellitus).

A complex of health problems leads to the development of coxarthrosis. The disease is most commonly diagnosed in middle-aged and elderly people, however, if multiple provocative factors exist at the same time, young people and even children are susceptible to coxarthrosis.


In order to respond in a timely manner to the development of pathology, it is important to notice the characteristic symptoms that change as the arthrosis progresses.

The first and most important symptom is foot pain, which penetrates the groin, buttocks, sacrum, thigh and knee. The pain increases after physical exertion, with permanent standing and sitting position.

Important! At first, the pain may be less and may not occur in the pelvis at all, but in the knee, for example. This fact complicates early diagnosis and correct diagnosis.

signs and symptoms of hip arthrosis

If the disease is not diagnosed in time, the patient should experience symptoms of hip arthrosis such as:

  • severe pain in the groin while walking or resting on the legs;
  • painful, rough crackling when moving and walking sideways on the hip (not to be confused with the click that lies in most healthy people);
  • joint stiffness, restriction of leg mobility;
  • change in gait, lameness, duck gait;
  • shortening or lengthening of a limb;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • leg fixation in one position (ankylosis).

An important diagnostic sign of coxarthrosis is physical limitations when they bend forward, robbing the hip to the side.

A patient with such a diagnosis has difficulty tying the shoelace alone, sitting with wide legs and sitting deep.

The acetabulum and femoral head have 3 degrees of osteoarthritis characterized by gradual destruction of the joint. Let's examine their characteristics below.

Stage 1 of coxarthrosis is characterized by mild destruction of cartilage, with a narrowed joint space.

By the second stage, the destruction of cartilage tissue increases noticeably, the first signs of the disease begin to interfere: pain, stiffness.

More severe damage to the hip joint occurs in 3 stages. Deep destruction of cartilage, deformity of bone, resting pain are typical. The disease completely destroys cartilage and deforms the femur.

The joint loses its mobility, the leg is fixed and serves as a support. In this case, conservative therapy is helpless, requiring surgical treatment with joint replacement.


Diagnosing the disease shows how severely the cartilage is affected and whether hip arthrosis is curable.

The success of therapy depends on when treatment was started.

Note. The last stage of coxarthrosis does not respond to conservative therapy and requires surgery. Early diagnosis and treatment of the disease increases the chances of recovery.

To make a diagnosis, an external examination is performed to assess the degree of mobility of the hip joint, changes in gait and leg length. X-rays, CT and MRI are prescribed to confirm primary coxarthrosis. If the patient requires surgery, urine, feces, blood and synovial fluid should be taken.

Disease Management

how to treat hip arthrosis

Coxarthrosis is a progressive disease. It is impossible to cure once like acute respiratory infections and forget about the condition of the joints.

Successful treatment of grade 1, 2, and 3 deformity of the hip joint requires an integrated approach that combines therapeutic practices, medication, physiotherapy, and patient lifestyle changes.

In extreme cases, the patient should seek surgical treatment for coxarthrosis. The method of therapy depends on the extent of the disease.


The first thing a patient diagnosed with osteoarthritis is prescribed is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic. They act directly at the site of inflammation and provide symptomatic treatment.

Note! It is important to monitor the dosage and duration prescribed by your doctor. Uncontrolled use of NSAIDs leads to side effects.

Vasodilators are also prescribed for the treatment of coxarthrosis. They are needed to increase blood flow to the diseased joint, to strengthen the cartilage diet.

Chondroprotectors are used to restore cartilage and joint mobility. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are substances that stimulate the production of new building cells and inhibit the action of enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue.


Manual therapy or rehabilitative massage is a passive exercise for the affected joints. Thanks to the massage movements, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are improved, muscles are strengthened, ligaments and tendons are more flexible. This treatment approach helps reduce pain, increase the effect of medication, and reduce the need for medication.

Important! Massage should only be performed by a qualified professional. Careless movements cause even more pain and injury to the joint.

Physiotherapy exercises

Movement is the basis of life. Hip osteoarthritis gymnastics aims to restore cartilage nutrition and joint mobility, strengthening the muscle ligament.

Performing physiotherapy regularly while walking leads to a reduction in leg discomfort.


exercise allows you to treat your hip pain at home.

Each movement is aimed at treating and preventing stages 1 and 2 of osteoarthritis of the hip joint.

Before starting the exercises, make sure that there are no contraindications to the exercises:

  • hypertension;
  • critical days;
  • infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • recovery period after abdominal and thoracic surgery;
  • inguinal and umbilical hernia;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the internal organs or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • is ​​a serious disease of the cardiovascular and circulatory system.

If any movement during exercise causes sharp pain, it’s probably not right for you, so it’s better not to do it and exclude it from the complex.


methods for treating hip arthrosis

Dietary therapy for hip arthrosis aims to reduce and maintain normal weight.

Being overweight increases the load on the spine and joints, which poses an additional risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders.

The basis of your diet is a moderate intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. The food should be whole and contain the necessary building blocks of the cells: proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

Vegetarian foods are preferred: nuts, seeds, leafy vegetables, seasonal vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish, medium-fat dairy products, legumes and cereals.

Cow's milk is best consumed in moderation.

Fatty, spicy, smoked, canned, fried, pickled foods, semi-finished products, alcohol and coffee should be excluded from the diet.

Bad habits (smoking, drug addiction, overeating) should also be eliminated from the lifestyle as they wear out the body and expose it to premature aging.

How to get rid of pain with folk remedies

Homeopathy for hip coxarthrosis is a method of alternative therapy. Based on natural ingredients, homeopaths create products for the treatment of pathologies of the internal organs and the human skeleton. A characteristic of arthrosis homeopathic preparations is their ability to restore the balance between the destruction of cartilage by the enzyme and the regeneration of its tissues.

Attention! You must undergo a diagnosis of the disease before treating the hip joint at home. It is important not to allow the pathology to worsen as this can make a person unable to walk.

exercise in arthrosis of the hip joint

Homeopathic remedies, injections and ointments for the treatment of joints are selected based on the physical conditions of the environment and the location of the disease.

You should consult your doctor before taking any medicine.


People who are prone to this pathology should avoid stress, injuries, treat infectious diseases in a timely manner, exercise regularly, eat well, and get enough sleep.

If you experience discomfort in your legs, it is recommended that you see an orthopedic doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment.


Hip osteoarthritis is most commonly seen in people over the age of 45, athletes, and children with congenital limb pathology. The disease destroys and deforms the joint, the person experiences painful pain in the legs. Successful treatment of coxarthrosis requires therapeutic practices, medication, correction of the patient’s lifestyle and weight, and manual therapy.

Paying attention to health is the key to longevity together! Do not delay your visit to the orthopedist when the first symptoms of the disease appear.